LOTRO Leveling Guide:
Levels 22 to 32 In the Lone-lands and North Downs

Once you finish following the LOTRO leveling guide through Bree-land you will be ready to take on the Lone-lands and North Downs. The LOTRO leveling guide will take you to:
• The Forsaken Inn (Lone-lands, 22-24)
• Trestlebridge and Amon Raith (North Downs, 21-24)
• The Eglain Camp and Iorvinas (Lone-lands, 24-25)
• Gatson's Farm and Esteldin (North Downs, 25-26)
• Ost Guruth (Lone-lands, 26-28)
• Lin Giliath and Esteldin (North Downs, 26-28)
• Othrikar (North Downs, 28-30)
• Dol Vaeg and The Tornstones (Lone-lands, 29-30)
• Dol Dinen and Esteldin (North Downs, 30-35)
• Agamaur (Lone-lands, 30-32)
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LEVEL 22 - 24
For this level range you have some choices. The Forsaken Inn or Trestlebridge and Amon Raith. For the best use of the LOTRO leveling guide and leveling I would hit the Forsaken Inn first, then move on to Trestlebridge.
The Forsaken Inn (recommended)
This location has a great set of quests. Make sure you grab all of them inside and outside of the inn. You will be questing in the areas both south and north of the inn. To the south is an area full of goblins and the north has a few orc camps. These are both great areas for quests as well as completing the orc and goblin slayer deeds. Deeds aren't covered in this LOTRO leveling guide, but it's something to think about.
Traveling to the Forsaken Inn
To reach the inn begin at the town of Bree. You'll need to make your way to the south gate, which is near the auction hall. Assuming you have never been to the Forsaken Inn before
you will have a fairly long walk ahead of you. Follow the path out of the south gate. Just simply stay on the path heading east. You will skirt the southern edge of the Midgewater Marshes as you travel. If you just follow the path you'll run right to the Forsaken Inn - you can't miss it. Make sure you talk to the stable master there so you don't have to run all the way again!
Trestlebridge and Amon Raith (recommended)
The quests in this area never seemed to flow quite right... but they are good for quickly leveling so I recommend them in the LOTRO leveling guide. I usually like to grab all of the quests in Trestlebridge first. Next I work my way towards Amon Raith, questing along the way. For some reason Amon Raith's quest line starts at level 21, so I work those first. After that, it's the usual process. Complete all the quest lines in both areas as fast as you can!
Traveling to Trestlebridge and Amon Raith
To reach Trestlebridge start from the Bree west gate. If available feel free to take a horse from the stable master. Otherwise follow the road north. You can't miss it, just stay on the path. You'll pass Thornley's Worksite on the left and the orc camps in the north as you go. When you pass through an archway and see all the crafting vendors you've made it ;) Make sure you talk to the stable master so you don't have to run again!
To get to Amon Raith you head north and a bit east out of Trestlebridge. If you follow the road north out of Trestlebridge you can follow it to the point where it
makes a T. Take the right hand road just before the Fields of Fornost. You'll see Amon Raith off to the left (north) on a large hill.
LEVEL 24 - 25
Here you will again have two areas to grind through: The Eglain Camp and Iorvinas. If you are sticking to the LOTRO leveling guide, the Eglain Camp is the first place you will want to go.
The Eglain Camp (recommended)
This camp will have you questing in the deeper, more dangerous, areas of goblin infested Minas Eriol south of the Forsaken Inn. You'll also get to play with some pretty big spiders ;) Be careful in these areas. They are mostly elite mobs. You'll want to group up or be patient and make well planned pulls. Similar to the Barrow Downs, you may want to group up. If you're a solo player then you may want to make sure you have some good weapons and armour.
Traveling to the Eglain Camp
To reach the camp follow the ridge line near the path going from the Forsaken Inn up to Minas Eriol. Don't go up the path, just follow the ridge east. Away east you'll see what looks like
a path or dry creek bed coming out of a break in the ridge. Head up that way and you'll see the camp.
Iorvinas (recommended)
After finishing up at the Eglain Camp, it's time to follow the LOTRO leveling guide to Iorvinas. You'll find a dwarf outside of a door and a few more inside. Grab up all the quests from the dwarf and also from inside the cave. As usual, complete all the quest lines. This area is pretty easy if you watch your pulls.
Traveling to Iorvinas
Finding the cave is fairly straightforward. Just take off in a northeastern direction from the Eglain Camp. Iorvinas is just a little south of the great east road.

LEVEL 25 - 26
At this point in the LOTRO leveling guide you will be heading to the Esteldin area. Esteldin has a ton of quests. I strongly suggest that you do only the quests in this level range. You'll find you have a great deal of quests after you complete the level 25 - 26 quests. If you do all of them now you will not optimize your leveling. Follow the LOTRO leveling guide and you'll level more quickly. It's a bit of a pain traveling back and forth between the North Downs and the Lone-lands, but it works out best in the end.
Gatson's Farm and Esteldin (recommended)
This location has a few quests to pick up. Before working them make sure you go to Esteldin and pick up all of the quests there. A few quests from Esteldin will take you to the same areas needed for the Gatson's Farm quests. Picking them all up first is more efficient.
Traveling to Gatson's Farm and Esteldin
To reach Gatson's Farm head to Amon Raith by foot or on a horse. From Amon Raith follow the road east. The road winds a bit north, but just stay on it. You will eventually reach a bridge over a river. Pass over the bridge and continue east on the road. You will see some farms and a house to your right. That is Gatson's Farm.
Finding Esteldin is easy from Gatson's Farm. Basically head east. As you get close to the mountains you'll see a break in them. This is the entrance. If you find yourself
surrounded by lots of spiders and webs... you are too far south!
Mincham's Camp (optional)
This location has some fellowship quests. I personally don't waste my time on them, but as always feel free to do them if you like!
Traveling to Mincham's Camp
The camp is found by following the path out of Trestlebridge to the north. If you stay on the path you will come to the camp on your left up on a hill. It is found as you reach the
Fields of Fornost.
LEVEL 26 - 28
Ready for some more traveling? You can quest in Ost Guruth or Lin Giliath and Esteldin. I suggest traveling to Ost Guruth first. If you don't you may out level some of the quests there. Yes yes... once again if you stick to the LoTRO leveling guide a bit of travel will actually make your leveling quicker!
Ost Guruth (recommended)
Here you'll be heading back to the Lone-lands to quest. You'll be going to the main city, Ost Guruth. Ost Guruth has some great quests packed very close together so you'll level up quickly.
Traveling to Ost Guruth
To find Ost Guruth follow the great east road from the Forsaken Inn. Just keep following it east all the way past Iorvinas. Off to your left you'll see a fortress on a hill. That's Ost Guruth. Make sure you grab the stable point!
Lin Giliath and Esteldin (recommended)
Do you know what time it is? Yep, time to travel again! You need to make your way back to Esteldin. Similar to Gatson's Farm, you will want to pick up the quests in Esteldin if you haven't already, and then head to Lin Giliath. There is some overlap in where you'll be questing to this will make it more efficient.
Traveling to Lin Giliath
Reach Lin Giliath by following the road that goes south just to the west of Esteldin. As you follow it south you'll come to an area with some ponds and Elf ruins. Lin Giliath is in the elf ruins.

Level 28 - 30
Now you're ready to hit up Othrikar, Dol Vaeg, and the Tornstones. If you're following this LOTRO leveling guide you're probably already in the North Downs, so I would hit Othrikar first... unless you haven't had enough fun going back
and forth yet!
Othrikar (recommended)
The dwarves are in trouble as usual and need your help! I always enjoyed the quests here for some reason. Most of the quests are in a tight area so it makes for fast leveling.
Traveling to Othrikar
To reach Othrikar head north on the road just west of Esteldin. You'll reach a large mountain to the left. The path curves around it taking you into the fortress.
Dol Vaeg and The Tornstones (recommended)
Time to wrap up the "easy" areas in the Lone-lands. Dol Vaeg will take you questing in the undead city of Nan Dhelu. The giant kind at the Tornstones will send you south into the marshes of Harleog. There are loads of trolls and undead here... happy hunting and enjoy!
Traveling to Dol Vaeg and the Tornstones
Getting to both locations is pretty easy. They are very close to Ost Guruth. Dol Vaeg is east of Ost Guruth on the top of a large hill. If you stay out of the swamp east of Ost Guruth and run along the ridge above you'll run right to it.
The Tornstones are pretty much straight south of the main entrance to Ost Guruth. Run south and cross the east road. You'll head up a hill and see some Stonehenge-ish looking stones... that's your destination!
Level 30 - 32
Finally it's time to wrap up these zones. You have a choice here. If you want a challenge you can quest in Agamaur and Dol Dinen. As usual with this LOTRO leveling guide, if you are more interested in leveling quickly and easily I would skip these areas. Just finish the Esteldin solo quests.
Agamaur (optional)
This area is full of elites and some fellowship quests. They aren't worth time if you're into power leveling, but I actually like them so it's up to you. You'll definitely want
to group up in here or you may not have much fun. ;)
Traveling to Agamaur
Get to Agamaur by heading north through the marshes by Ost Guruth (Haragamar). There is a pass through the mountains in the north/west corner of the marsh.
Esteldin (recommended)
Now you'll be questing on the eastern side of Esteldin. The quests are kind of all over here so you'll be running around a lot. There are some quests in Dol Dinen that are solo
that you can do as well. They only take you to the fringes of DD (Dol Dinen) so I would do those. You'll probably want to avoid any fellowship quests in that area unless you're looking for some group fun.
Dol Dinen (optional)
This area is kind of a pain unless you have a full group. It's full of elites, trolls, and in the deeper areas just tons of mobs. It can be a lot of fun, but not worth the time for me. As always enjoy the game in whatever way pleases you most!
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At this point of the LOTRO leveling guide you should have made it to level 31 -32. You will now be ready to move on to Evendim and the Trollshaws. These are my favorite zones in the game. I love the graphics and how amazing the landscape is in them. I hope you enjoy them too! See you over in the level 32 - 40 section of the LOTRO leveling guide!

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