LOTRO Leveling Guide:
Levels 1 to 6 In the
Introduction Instance

The introduction instance is pretty easy, but this LOTRO leveling guide should make it even easier! There are a few things you'll want to learn quickly if this is your first time.
Check out the guides area on the site to find tutorials on setting up your quests tracker, understanding the quest log, and using the filters on in game maps. I have several videos on how to set everything up and to show you some key things to look for.
Once you're ready to start gaming get your favorite beverage and a snack... we're about to blow through the introduction instance!
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First Task
The first thing you will want to do is pick up all of the quests in the area. Do this by right clicking anyone with a gold
ring over their head and accepting the quest. You can see gold rings on the mini-map as well. Once you've accepted all available quests simply follow the quest instructions. The quest tracker can also point you in the right direction.
Learning to use the quest tracker and quest description to quickly find the quest locations is the fastest way to level in The Lord of the Rings Online. Get used to how Turbine puts quests together and you'll be a step ahead. Most times when you get to a location, a few rings will be available. Once you complete those quests, more will open up. Always finish all of the quests in the area before moving on.
When you finish the introduction you should be level 5 or 6. I recommend completing all of the quests in the intro before moving on to the next section of the LOTRO leveling guide... especially if this is your first time playing. It is the very easiest and best way to get to level 6.
Depending on which race you chose (man, dwarf, elf, or hobbit) you will start out in a specific location. Read on for your specific race.

The dwarven race starts out in a place called Frerin's Court. Use your map (press the "m" key) to get your bearings and a feel for north/south/east/west.
You should have a couple of quest rings in the court to pick up. You will then be killing lynx and wolves in the area
just to the east. Turn the quests in once completed and pick up the next bunch that becomes available. Continue this process until all quests are completed.
The final quest will be given by Dwalin. Make sure you complete all other quests before this one. Once you finish the final quest from Dwalin you will finally be able to fully explore Middle Earth, but cannot return to the introduction instance.
Elves start in a place called the Refuge of Edhelion. Use your map (press the "m" key) to get your bearings and a feel for north/south/east/west.
You will immediately see some elves with rings over their heads. Get all available quests and begin completing them. All of the quests in this area are very easy and close by. You will first start out by killing some bugs and slugs. You will also search some leaf piles and a pond nearby. Continue accepting new quests and completing them.
As you continue completing and accepting new quests you will be led to Frerin's court. The court lies to the west and down the mountain. The court will be your final set of quests before leaving the instance.
The final quest will be from Dwalin. Make sure you do all of the other quests before this one. Once you finish the final quest you will finally be able to fully explore Middle Earth, but cannot return to the introduction instance.
Men and Hobbits:
If you choose to be a man/woman or a hobbit you will start out in a little village called Archet. Use your map (press the "m" key) to get your bearings and a feel for north/south/east/west.

Your first order of business is to accept all available quests in town. Use your quest tracker and quest log to help find the locations for completing the quests. You will start out killing some wolves just outside of town. Just keep accepting quests, completing them, and getting new quests. This will lead you through the instance.
The final quest will be given by Jon Brackenbrook in the Hunting Lodge. Make sure you do all of the other quests before this one. Once you finish the final quest you will finally be able to fully explore Middle Earth, but cannot return to the introduction instance.
*Remember, if you ever have a question about the guide...
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Hopefully my LOTRO leveling guide made the introduction instance easy for you. Once you've completed the instance, you're ready to explore the first areas available in The Lord of the Rings Online... level 6 to 15 in the starter zones!
Good job and I'll see you over in the next section of the LOTRO leveling guide!
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